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Presentation Templates

A Sample Marketing Plan for Your Next Big Campaign

Diana Christine Bitting
 min read
A Sample Marketing Plan for Your Next Big CampaignA Sample Marketing Plan for Your Next Big Campaign
Table of Contents

Marketing campaigns are an intriguing mix of organization and creativity.

This marketing campaign template will help you summarize your goals and plan to help make your campaign a resounding success. And presentations are an ideal medium to present your cohesive plan and inspire confidence throughout your organization.

You can get this marketing campaign template with just a click. You will find it's amazingly simple to customize the 15 slides using our platform. actually knows what’s on your slides and how to adjust the layout as you add more content. It's a beautiful experience! We're currently in Beta and there is no charge for using Congratulations, you got here early! Now go for it!

Your campaign in perspective

Stating the goals of your campaign is helpful. But putting those goals within the context of previous campaigns is a great exercise for you and your executive team. The approach below pits Campaign ROI vs. Volume of SQLs. You can show whether this is a niche campaign with high ROI, or a more broad-based campaign. In this case, our "Platform" campaign is pretty high volume and shooting for moderate ROI.

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No campaigner is an island

Every marketing manager needs help to make their campaign a success. You need designers, writers and coders to build for you the foundations of your campaign. Plan to ask for help to build landing pages, design emails and craft eBooks well ahead of time.

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A call to action

All the effort you put into your marketing campaign plan will be for nothing if you don't have strong calls-to-action. And by strong we mean you're able to present a portfolio of offers to match your prospects' stages in the buying cycle. Are they just looking to get smart on a topic? Give them an eBook. Are they potentially ready to take a look at your product? Offer a Request Demo. When you have a top-of-funnel offer like an eBook you should have bottom-of-funnel offers like Request Demo nearby on the website so they can take that next step.

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This is what success looks like

Goals make a marketer's world go 'round. Make sure you have a set of metrics that enable you to measure progress at each stage. Start with your Target set and work your way down through Responses and then to your qualification stages. Responses are a good near-term proxy for how well your prospects are engaging with your content and message. It's a safe bet that if this metric is faltering there is something wrong either in your assumptions or your campaign execution. Don't be afraid to pause a campaign if this doesn't look right.

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Let the leads flow

Ideally, your lead flow is already well-defined and your campaign will simply click into the existing process. Your Sales Development Reps (SDRs) are the ones who will care the most about this. This may be just a simple refresh on the process and perhaps you'll want to explain a wrinkle or two specific to the campaign.

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The slides above show 5 of the 15 slides in the campaign template. We hope you'll be inspired enough to take the whole template for a spin. Now go forth and hit the campaign trail!

This marketing campaign template joins our higher-level Marketing Plan Template in our growing library of helpful presentation templates made exclusively for marketers. There's more to come, and we'd love to hear what we should build next for you.

Click here to customize this Marketing Campaign Plan template

Diana Christine Bitting

Diana Christine Bitting

Diana Christine Bitting is a content director, tech journalist and marketing strategist at