App integrations + Salesforce

Collaborate smarter and close deals faster. Share presentations, track engagement, and gain actionable insights—all directly within Salesforce.

Connect to Salesforce
Integration is available exclusively on Team and Enterprise plans. Connection enabled only by account owners.

Track engagement and boost sales with Salesforce insights

Manage your sales process more effectively with real-time insights and seamless workflows.’s Salesforce integration lets you share presentations, track views, and see engagement—all within Salesforce.

Easily share presentations.

Send presentations to Salesforce contacts in or share presentations as a direct link within Salesforce. Our integration makes it easier to work without switching back and forth between platforms.

Track viewer engagement.

See exactly who’s viewing your presentations, when they view, and how they engage with each slide. Use detailed metrics to fine-tune your outreach and follow-up.

Automatically sync presentation data.

Sent presentations are recorded in the tab within Salesforce, offering real-time updates on views, time spent, and viewer progression—all from one central location.
Connect to Salesforce
The + Salesforce integration gives your team the power to make data-driven decisions, save time, and close deals faster.
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Connect and Salesforce
In, go to ‘Integrations’ and select ‘Salesforce’.

Next, click ‘Add to Salesforce’ to start the setup. Log in to your Salesforce account, then enter your Salesforce domain and admin username to connect. Click ‘Connect Salesforce’ to complete the integration.
Enable in Salesforce
After installation, open the ‘Lightning App Builder’ in Salesforce.

Find Beautiful Links in the list of items, then click Add/View Item to place Beautiful Links on your dashboard, enabling easy access to shared presentations.
Share a Presentation with a Contact
In Salesforce Contacts, select the contact you want to share a presentation with.

On the contact’s details page, click Email to compose a message, paste the presentation link, and customize as needed. Click Send to share.
Track Presentation Engagement
Go to the Beautiful Links section in Salesforce to find the presentation shared with the contact.

Click the presentation to view analytics like total views, view time, and access details. Select View Detailed Analytics for more insights to help inform follow-ups.
Smarter sales start here.
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